Step One
A buyer’s first impression of your home starts before they even enter through your front door. Most likely they have already seen a brochure showing a full scale photo of your property or maybe they have driven by to check out the location. At nestegg we recommend you start on a positive note and make your home inviting. *Mow the lawn *Sweep the driveway *Clean the windows * A fresh lick of paint
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Step Two
Odours can make or break a property. Don’t over power your home with candles and fragrances, a light gentle smell such as a diffuser will do the trick. Fresh smells such as coffee in the morning, baking or home cooked meals are also great to give that homely feel. We understand a pet is apart of your family but sometimes viewers may find animal smells off putting. If you have pets we recommend a carpet clean to help freshen the smell. *Don’t cover up the smells, fix them. *Empty the bins, and clean your drains *Open windows and doors on a nice day

Step Three
Scrutinize your living space, stand back and ask yourself if your rooms convey a feeling of space or have you accumulated too much ‘stuff’ over the years? Ask yourself if you want to take these items to your new home? Do this with care, people will buy into the positive sides of your lifestyle, don’t leave rooms looking completely unpersonal. *pictures and photographs *posters on walls
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Step Four
Pay attention to the details. A lick of paint is the first step in making your home look fresh. Neutral colours throughout leave a buyer with the sense of a blank canvas to make your home their home. *Replace old & worn bedding, bath mats and shower curtains *Have damp & mould treated *repair any cracks in walls, fix leaky taps and broken cupboard doors
Step Five
Be proud of your current home, you made your home what it is, created memories inside the walls. Share the love you have for your home with your viewers. Tell them all about the location you live in and the fabulous neighbours you have. Things to share with viewers *Tell families about local schools *Share local shops and restaurants you enjoy * Tell viewers about all the memories you have in your home and let them imagine creating their own.
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Step Six
Make your home as clean and as fresh as you can. Enable light to flood through your home. If you have patio doors out onto your garden open these for a sense of space and light. Show of the beauty of your bright and clean home. *Clean your windows *Dust and hoover before a viewing *Replace broken light bulbs